Section d'aide

Comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre expérience PatPat360 ?

Comment pouvons-nous vous aider ?

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Première connexion : si je ne peux pas accéder

What can I do if I have received the invitation email but I cannot login?

Premièrement, check that the email address that you are using to login corresponds to the one on which you received the invitation. Double check for typos, too.
Second, check that the password you choose meets the requirements, that is at least:

  • 6 caractères
  • uppercase letter
  • lowercase letter
  • numéro

If you have received the invitation but have not completed the registration within 7 days, by clicking on the “To confirm, click here” button, you will be redirected to a new webpage that will confirm the expiration of the invitation and invite you to contact your PatPat360 business administrator to request a new one. For any further support, you can contact the PatPat360 Support Team at

Per prima cosa, controlla che l’indirizzo email che stai usando per accedere corrisponda a quello su cui hai ricevuto l’invito. Ricontrolla per eventuali refusi.
Inoltre, controlla che la password che hai scelto rispetti i requisiti, ovvero almeno: 6 caratteri 1 lettera maiuscola 1 lettera minuscola 1 numero
Précédent Première connexion : si la page ne se charge pas
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