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How to get the best out of your PatPat360 experience

OKR Networks

In the OKRs>Networks section, you can access the network of OKRs in the company. This shows how OKRs are linked to the company strategic objectives and how each OKR is functional to achieve another OKR. For example, the objectives “Improve communication”,...

Following objectives

If you want to monitor the progress on any of your colleagues’ work, you can follow their OKRs. To do so, you can search your colleague using the search bar on the Wall and click on to open their profile. There, on the right, you can see the list of OKRs your...

Linking objectives (My OKRs)

In the My OKRs section, you can create up-links for your objectives anytime you want. In the Networks tab of the objective sheet, you can use the search bar to find an Objective or a Key Result that you think your OKR can help achieve. Then, click on the icon to...

Types of link

In the Networks tab of the objective sheet, you can see how that objective links with others. An objective can have up-links or down-links. The objective has an up-link when that objective is functional to complete the objective or key result shown in the list of...